Professional Editorial Services
Editing, proofreading, and more

- Editorial services: book manuscript editing, formatting, and proofreading
- Writing, rewriting
- Manuscript assessment
- Book proposal and query letter preparation
- Book market research
- Confidential consultation and mentoring, by telephone and email
- Miscellaneous extras, as agreed with the client
For traditional & self-publishing authors
You benefit from . . .
- My book trade experience
- Expertise in writing, editing, and communicating
- Informed, objective feedback
- Personalized, professional attention to your writing
and publishing needs
Editorial Fees
Fees are calculated on a per-project basis using standard productivity rates established by professional editors' and writers' associations. For a free, no-obligation fee quote for your project, please inquire by phone—(604)740-0805—or query by email. Please include the total word count of the manuscript and attach a brief sample (5–10 pages) as a Microsoft Word file.
Please note:
- I prefer to receive payment via Interac email transfer. From clients outside of Canada, I accept personal checks, bank drafts, and money orders—payable to Patricia Anderson.
- I no longer handle queries sent via fax or regular mail. Please make your initial contact by phone or email.
- Manuscripts and sample pages of manuscripts must be sent as email attachments. I do not assess or edit hard-copy manuscripts.
- I am not responsible for errors in published books as a result of author alterations, editing, proofreading, or layout design subsequent to Helping You Get Published services.